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We've dreamed of building a family through adoption for many years. After facing challenges with our son’s birth and a subsequent autoimmune diagnosis, we realized that expanding our family biologically wasn’t possible for us. Our hearts long to offer a loving, secure home to a child in need. We believe that adoption is a beautiful way to fulfill God's calling for our lives.
D has the best smile and chuckle. He is patient, kind, and sometimes logical to a fault. He enjoys playing with J and trying new food with C. He is secretly competitive with board and card games. He enjoys lots of hot coffee. He is our boy cat’s favorite person and it’s easy to see why.
C is witty, bold and brave. C loves and invests in others. C creates beautiful art and strives to make our home a welcoming place for all. She is constantly taking J to do fun things. She cares deeply for others and wants to serve them. She’s taught J how to care for others through giving. She is also silly and sarcastic.
We hope to have whatever level of openness you're comfortable with, however we respect your choice. Regardless, we will teach our child to always know the love you have for them.
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