“Anita” is a high school student who found herself pregnant after having a brief dating encounter with a boy her own age. After finding out that she was expecting, he wanted out of the relationship. Anita heard about ECFA’s Pregnancy Support Services from her mother who wanted her to have supportive counseling during this very difficult time. Anita readily accepted guidance from her pregnancy counselor, Faith, and was happy to have her help and wisdom.
Faith says that Anita is a very nurturing, loving, attentive, and responsive young mother. She is a committed Christian and wants to raise her son in the faith. She has a sweet and kind personality and yet is hard working, strong, determined, honest, and intelligent. She is a very good student and after completing high school plans to attend college to prepare for a career in math and science.
Anita’s family has been negatively impacted financially from the coronavirus pandemic. Because of her mother’s reduced working hours, Anita has found a part time job to help support herself and has excellent money management skills. She has already started a savings plan for her young son Joey’s college fund.
Joey recently turn one year of age and is a very healthy and happy little boy. He is walking now and always smiling. He likes interacting with others and enjoys it when the family gets together to play music and sing. Faith feels it has been a pleasure to provide counseling and supportive services to Anita and her family. She says the future is very bright for them.
We are most grateful for your partnership with us in serving young parents and families in need. It is because of supporters like you that our pregnancy support services exist.