The Intact Family Services Program (IFS) serves families indicated by DCFS for abuse or neglect. Many families have significant underlying issues leading to DCFS involvement such as substance abuse, domestic violence, and mental health concerns. Through referrals to specialized service providers, including ECFA’s counseling and pregnancy support programs, IFS assists parents in preventing future abuse and neglect from occurring and by improving overall family functioning.
IFS case managers not only assist parents and children through providing resources and service referrals, but also serve as advocates for families with schools, landlords, physicians, and other community providers.
This past year, IFS served the “Smith” family. This family came to the attention of DCFS due to substance abuse concerns and was referred to ECFA’s IFS Program. They engaged in services right away and allowed their caseworker to visit regularly. Both parents committed to abstinence and have maintained their sobriety for over a year. Although the IFS case is closed, the family has remained involved in services put into place while with ECFA.
It is an incredible privilege to come alongside families when they are struggling with challenges in their lives. We are encouraged to see positive changes when families are strengthened and remain together. Intact Family Services Program
New Cases 96
Cases Closed 98
Total Cases Served 182
Total Children Served 399
Total Parents Served 300
Total Individuals Served 699